Mission Grants

2024-2026 Mission Grants

Mission Grants PowerPoint presentation from the 2024 Convention.

In our response to God's endless grace and mercy, we joyfully look for ways to share His love. At each district convention, our delegates and elected officials vote to support various missions that support the work of God throughout our state, country and world. The Mites you share are the means for which these grants are fulfilled.

Our Gospel Outreach Vice President and Committee regularly review and distribute the money to the selected mission grants. The documents below show our current status of Mission Grant fulfillment and list our past Mission Grants. As the widow who gave her last mite (Luke 21:1-4), we pray you will continue to fill your Mite Box as you are able and to pray over the Mission Grant Recipients.

Mission Grant Distribution Document 

Mission Grants History

updated 9-26-2024

Mission Grants

Mission Grants Poster

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