President's Message

Letter from the LWML District President, Lisa Kamrath



Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ and our guests-

Two years ago, I was elected to be the President of the LWML Minnesota South District. As I told you in Willmar, this was not on my bucket list. After our five sons heard of my election, they all said “Congratulations! So, how long is your term?” To which I replied, “Four years.” To which they responded, “Wow, just like the real president.” Since then, the last two years have flown by, and we are back together at our convention where I am giving my first President’s Report.

Lutheran Women in Mission, that is all of us.

Joyfully Proclaim Christ, that is what we do.

As Sisters in Christ, we proclaim Christ through our words, both spoken and written. I have traveled across southern Minnesota, for which I must say, I appreciate Google Maps. It has easily taken me to towns that I have never been to before, as I attended rallies, servant events, and retreats. It is a pleasure to be welcomed into your meetings and churches, to see and hear what you are doing to joyfully proclaim Christ. It has been a blessing to listen to the Zone Pastoral Counselor’s Bible Studies, devotions, and prayers all around the MN South District.

Our District Counselors have also provided Bible studies and prayed for us as we started and ended our Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings. We are blessed by God to have men, who love God and the LWML, working with us to encourage us to grow in our faith by sharing God’s Word with us and leading us in prayer. Then we, in turn, joyfully share Christ with others.

Part of my responsibility as President is writing articles for the quarterly WOM’s, the monthly eNews, and the Lutheran Witness Supplement. I have asked the ladies on the Executive Committee to share in writing these articles and I enjoy reading what they write because I learn about them, and they have an opportunity to share their faith in Christ with you. Writing is storytelling. I enjoy telling stories and reading other people’s stories. Do you have a story to tell about your church LWML group? A project you do to raise mites for missions? Perhaps your story is about an answer to prayer, how God has provided for you or a loved one, or a time when you shared your faith in God. Share your stories! Write them down and send them to Roxanne Pieper for the eNews!

I remember as a child singing, please join in:

If you cannot speak like angels, If you cannot preach like Paul,

You can tell the love of Jesus, You can say He died for all.

If you cannot rouse the wicked With the judgments dread alarms,

You can lead the little children To the Savior’s waiting arms (LSB 826:2).

Lutheran Women in Mission, that is all of us.

Support Missions, that is what we do.

One of my favorite things to watch for each month is Carol’s Financial Secretary report. I quickly open the email attachment to see how much money God has provided us for mites. And I rejoice that we can turn that money around once a quarter to give to our Mission Grant recipients.

But those mites also help mission grants on the national level. So, it is not just our 13 MN South Mission Grants, but the 31 national mission grants as well! And this is all to God’s glory! It is really not our doing, it is God working through the LWML to provide for His workers in the harvest fields, so they are equipped to joyfully share Christ with others.

I remember as a child singing, please join in:

If you cannot be a watchman, Standing high on Zion’s wall,

Pointing out the path to heaven, Off’ring life and peace to all.

With your prayers and with your bounties You can do what God commands;

You can be like faithful Aaron, Holding up the prophet’s hands (LSB 826:3).

Lutheran Women in Mission, that is all of us.

Equip Women to Honor God by Serving Others, that is what we do.

He has equipped us with His Word. I encourage all of you to read and study God’s Word each day, and include it as part of your church group and zone meetings as well. Remember to have a Prayer Service and an LWML Sunday at your church to teach and encourage those who are not actively involved members of LWML.

I see and hear of how you serve others through your offerings, service projects, community outreach ministries, faithfulness in caring for your church and church families, and support of your pastors. Thank you for honoring God by serving others. Continue that work with joy in your hearts as you serve the Lord.

God has blessed all of us with the ladies and pastors serving on the 20 Zone Boards and on the LWML MN South Board of Directors, who share of their time and talents to serve all of us. I appreciate all that they have taught me, and their willingness to Serve the Lord with Gladness.

At the end of the Willmar convention, the Past District Presidents gave me two encouraging statements, “God will be with you” and “We are praying for you.” There have been so many times over the last two years when God has answered those prayers for the Lutheran Women in Mission work that is being done in the MN South District, sometimes before I asked, or even knew what to ask. God is faithful to provide all we need to do the work He asks us to do.

I remember as a child singing, please join in:

Let none hear you idly saying, “There is nothing I can do,”

While the multitudes are dying And the Master calls for you.

Take the task He gives you gladly, Let His work your pleasure be;

Answer quickly when He calleth, “Here am I, send me, send me!” (LSB 826:4)

I thank God for your gifts, your talents, and the many ways He is working through you to joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.

So now, at the end of this convention, I want to echo the Past District Presidents' encouraging statements and give them to all of you, “God will be with you” and “We are praying for you.”

God bless you all.